Felix Young

I'm a undergraduate student at Beihang university in Beijing.

My current field of study is Automation Science. I have participated in several projects related to deep learning, computer vision (CV), and robotics. Currently, I am doing an internship in measurement and control at a company in Beijing.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing badminton and running. I also like watching movies and attending music festivals and concerts. My favorite music genres are hip-hop, R&B, and rock. I have created a WeChat Official Account called 'MovieBeatu' to publish some movie reviews.

Email  /  Github  /  WeChat Official Account  /  Weibo

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Research & Projects Experiences

I'm interested in computer vision, deep learning, generative AI, and LLM. Some of my work will be updated sooner.

Eclipse: Disambiguating Illumination and Materials using Unintended Shadows
Dor Verbin, Ben Mildenhall, Peter Hedman,
Jonathan T. Barron, Todd Zickler, Pratul Srinivasan
CVPR, 2024   (Oral Presentation)
project page / video / arXiv

Shadows cast by unobserved occluders provide a high-frequency cue for recovering illumination and materials.


Area Chair, CVPR 2024
Demo Chair, CVPR 2023
Area Chair, CVPR 2022
Area Chair & Award Committee Member, CVPR 2021
Area Chair, CVPR 2019
Area Chair, CVPR 2018

Very appreciate to the source code from jonbarron , and the inspriation from my good friend and probably my scientific mentor Xiaobao Wei